SWIFTsoft Computer Systems Ltd.
Delivering bespoke software to many of Ireland's top 100 companies
SWIFTsoft Computer Systems was born in 1984. In the early years SWIFTsoft helped the local business community adopt new technology. We developed an accounts software package which reduced the time spent on paperwork and produced fast and accurate accounts information.
In the years that followed SWIFTsoft has grown to become a leading supplier of bespoke accounts software, hardware, support, maintenance, training and Internet services. By employing our own programmers, support engineers and service engineers we aspire to be the one-stop-shop for all your computer requirements.

HMRC - Making Tax
Digital for VAT

Making Tax Digital for VAT requires VAT registered businesses with taxable turnover above the VAT registration threshold to keep records in digital form and file their VAT Returns using software. Over the next few weeks we will be updating all our Superflex and Colossus customers. Contact our office for more information.
Brightpay Payroll
It is important to ensure you have renewed your software contract before the start of the next payroll year. Our engineers will be in touch to install an updated version for the 2019/20 payroll year.


We will keep you informed as we make changes to our software to accommodate the new regulations.